Our Egypt trips

A "Journey to Egypt" is a dream that many cherish since childhood, it is to visit one of the richest countries in the world in history. Discover the glorious past of the land of the Pharaohs. In fact, there are many reasons to book a trip to Egypt. 

So yes, whether on a Nile cruise or through authentic discovery, Egypt is at your fingertips and your wishes. Our goal: to please you with tailor-made programs.

Thus "Terra Trips Oasis Egypt" is a refined choice for lovers of our country. Our section Our trips Egypt allows you to carefully choose the type of your trip at an affordable price and in complete peace of mind.

Our visits and original activities will allow you to discover Egypt In a different way ; for example: the discovery of typical souk; the life of the local peasants, as well as sleeping with the locals. We gratify you with a trip with an authentic character, with Terra Trips, an important part of your trip will be reserved for an approach to the 'True Egypt'.

Thanks to our section entitled “Our trips to Egypt” you can book a pleasant stay. You would also have the choice between offers for weekend getaways, one or more nights in a hotel, a night in a bivouac, a cruise on the Nile or on Lake Nasser. ! We offer lovers of our country a refined choice of 20 trips to Egypt.

Croisière sur le Lac Nasser photo principale

Cruise on Lake Nasser

2 tours

Nile Cruise

4 tours

Dahabeya Nile Cruise

1 tour
Croisière sur le Nil en felouque

Felucca cruise on the Nile

2 tours
4 - Excursions Egypte - photo principale

Egypt Tours

3 tours
Offre voyage Egypte

Egypt travel offer

3 tours
6 - Voyage de luxe - photo principale

Luxury travel to Egypt

1 tour
Voyage en Egypte hors des sentiers battus

Travel to Egypt off the beaten track

4 tours
8 -Voyages combinés Égypte et la Jordanie - Photo principale

Combined trips Egypt and Jordan

1 tour

What are the must-see favorites in Egypt?

To tell the truth, monuments and visits to Egypt are commonplace, it goes without saying! This is not lacking in this fabulous country of the time of the pharaohs.

We need only think of this majestic Sphinx. In the first place to the colossal pyramids of Gizeh, Cairo, the Egyptian museum. As well as many temples worth visiting.

Like for example: Karnak Temple, Abu Simbel Temple, Luxor Temple, Kom Ombo Temple, Hatshepsut Temple, Philae Temple. As well as the Edfu temple to name a few!. Do not miss either during your travels in Egypt to visit the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens. Also the various mosques, Saqqarah, the unfinished Obelisk, and how many other monuments and visits yet!

Obviously it is undeniable that there are many "must-see" historical sites to visit in Egypt. Although they are included in our Egypt trips as the Egyptian Museum. Moreover ''discover Cairo and its souks'' is one of the excessively interesting tourist attractions. The inhabitants of Cairo are called ''Cairotes''.

What are the national holidays and festivals of Egypt?


New Year's Day, January 1: celebrated in Egypt and particularly in the big cities.

Cairo International Book Fair

Major cultural event of the city. In fact the fair is held during the last week of January and the first of February at the Nasr City Fair. On the other hand, most conferences, books, etc. are in Arabic.

The Cairo International Book Fair is held from late January to early February in Nasr City. Each year, it brings together more than 3,000 participants and no less than 3 million visitors.

In fact, it is the most important book fair in the Middle East. Also is one of the largest in the world. The book fair welcomes authors and publishers from different countries.

Luxor Marathon

Runners start and finish the marathon at the Temple of Hatshepsut. Then they follow the west bank of the Nile. Near Luxor, between late January and early February. While the event is followed by the Sharm el Sheikh Half Marathon in March. It is part of our trips to Egypt. 

Participants will have a typical papyrus certificate. And to end the day of the marathon in style. Although a big party is organized with music, singing and dancing. …


Abu Simbel Festival

It is held on February 22. In fact it is one of two dates in the year (the other is in October). Where the sun enters inside the sanctuary of the Great Temple of Abu Simbel. Although illuminating the statues of deities. However, the event attracts many curious people and “scholars” from all sides. It is part of our trips to Egypt. 

Ramses II is known to be the very archetype of the pharaoh. Brave warrior but at the same time a great builder. In addition, the temple of Abu Simbel, cut into the very rock, shows the know-how of the architects of ancient Egypt. Every year, events are organized on this site to praise the architectural exploits of this sovereign. …

All times marked by dance, music and some original activities. This festival is given on the occasion of a rare and extraordinary phenomenon at the temple of Abu Simbel: the illumination of this usually dark site. An unmissable historical event during our travels in Egypt. 

 Valentine's Day, celebrated on February 14: with all the romantic kitsch possible, which the Egyptians love.

International Fishing Tournament

Fishermen from all over the world take part in this tournament which is held in Hourghada on the Red Sea.


Women's day, 8 March : the occasion for several years for feminist activists. Above all, to demonstrate to remind women of the difficulties inherent in their daily lives in Egypt.

Egyptian Marathon in the Nile Valley (100 km Pharaonic Race)

The 100 kilometer Pharaonic Race in the Nile Valley is the longest race in the world. The runners. Coming from all over Egypt and abroad, they must travel a distance of 100 kilometers. On the other hand, it goes from the pyramids of Hawara to the pyramids of Sakkarah via Memphis.

This race in the Nile Valley, sometimes in the shadow of the pyramids, is one of the longest endurance races in the world. This huge marathon runs along the western bank of the mythical river.
Several teams made up of 5 runners each must cover a pharaonic journey of 100 kilometers! Relays are only possible if a runner has already completed 10 km.

While lastly a dinner embellished with folk dances. The runners receive a certificate… in papyrus! It is part of trips to Egypt.

Cairo International Contemporary Art Festival is multidisciplinary and offers many distractions. It is also a very good way to discover the dilapidated places of the city center.

Hakawy, international children's arts festival in Cairo

A multidisciplinary artistic festival that schedules shows and workshops (theater, puppets, music, storytelling, etc.). Worn by artists from all over the world, and all aimed at young audiences.

Earth Hour

Initiated in 2007, the Earth Hour is a call for action by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF, World Wide Fund for Nature) for planetary mobilization.

In fact it is a question of plunging the earth into darkness for 1 hour, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Also to participate symbolically in the fight for the defense of the environment and against global warming.

However, several thousand cities around the world participate in the Earth Hour, thus extinguishing their buildings and monuments. The Sydney Harbor Bridge, the Egyptian pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, Times Square...

In fact, in 2011, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon gloated that the Earth Hour "[used] those 60 minutes of darkness to help the world see the light."
A hundred countries participate in the Earth Hour.

International Francophone School Theater Festival 

The International Francophone School Theater Festival of Egypt is held every year for one week at the end of March. However, it takes place at the Agouza youth activity centre. The purpose of this event is to promote French-speaking theatre.

While at each new edition, several groups from schools all over the country...

International Fishing Tournament

 Fishermen from all over the world take part in this tournament which is held in Hourghada on the Red Sea.

April May

Anniversary of Sinai in Egypt: April 25: This secular holiday celebrates the return of Sinai by Israel in 1982, after fifteen years of occupation.

May 1: Labor Day is also celebrated on May 1 in Egypt.

During this day, Egyptians commemorate the anniversary of the return of Sinai by Israel in 1982. While this mountainous peninsula returned to the Egyptians 15 years after its occupation by Israel in 1967, during the Six Day War. And 3 years after the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.

World Africa Day

Across the continent, Africa Day commemorates the creation in 1963, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which was succeeded by the African Union (AU). in 2002. Many activities and ceremonies are organized across the continent.

While Africa Day aims to “bring African people together, strengthen their faith in integration and popularize the ideal of union on the continent”.


 June 18: Anniversary of the Egyptian Republic, Liberation Day in Egypt proclaimed June 18, 1853, and commemoration of the British withdrawal on the same date, three years later.

This day commemorates June 18, 1956. On the other hand, the date on which the last British troops left Egypt, ending more than 70 years of British presence in the country.

June 30th : Commemoration of the "second revolution", the seizure of power by Abd el Fattah el Sissi on June 30, 2013. All owes after the massive popular disavowal vis-à-vis the Muslim Brotherhood which took the form of historic demonstrations throughout the country.

July August

July 23: Egyptian National Day, Revolution Day (Nasserian).


Citadel Festival

Ten days of classical music and traditional Arabic music. So the event is held in the center of the citadel and at the Cairo Opera House, in August or September.


October 6: Armed Forces Day, which is, like the French July 14, the occasion of a great military parade.

This holiday commemorates the victory over Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. It is one of the country's greatest prides. During the day, there are military parades, air shows…
In 1973, Israel was victorious on the ground, but the honor of the Arab armies was restored.

The moral victory is important for Sadat, just like the snub inflicted on the Israeli secret services who had seen nothing coming. This date of October 6 becomes the national holiday in Egypt, much more important than the commemoration of the revolution.

As in any national holiday, honor is given to the armed forces who will perform parades and air shows. Grand performances will also be organized for the people. …

October 24: Suez Day, in commemoration of Nasser's decision to nationalize the Suez Canal on October 24, 1956, following the refusal of the United States and the United Kingdom to participate financially in the construction of the Aswan Dam. This decision will trigger the short Suez War that France, the United Kingdom and Israel will lose against Egypt.

Egyptians will celebrate the departure of French and British troops from the Suez Canal. For this great event, parades and parades will be on the program. As every year, this day will be declared a public holiday and all the Egyptian people will be able to enjoy the celebration.

They commemorate a major event of the Suez Canal crisis: the withdrawal of French, British and Israeli troops (secret alliance endorsed by the Sèvres Accords) from the Suez Canal. This withdrawal was carried out in 1956 under pressure from the UN and the United States.

Parades and parades are on the program. This day is a public holiday, and the administrations as well as most of the stores remain closed.

Abu Simbel Festival

Ramses II oriented his temple at Abu Simbel so that the inner sanctum (naos) lets in the sun's rays only twice a year: February 22 for his birthday, and October 22 to commemorate his accession to the throne. .

In the early morning, the statues of Ramses II and the gods Rê-Horakhty and Amon, in a room at the back of the temple, are then lit by the sun which “regenerates” them. Only that of Ptah, the god of Darkness, remains in the shadows.

The combination of human prowess and a natural phenomenon causes a most spectacular sight. This unusual phenomenon, due to the genius of the architects of ancient Egypt, gives rise each year to a great celebration on this exceptional site: music, dance, etc.


Cairo International Film Festival

This major festival is held from late November to early December and offers a wide selection of Arab and international films. Exceptionally, the works presented are not censored. Tickets for controversial films are also the ones that sell first.

The Cairo International Film Festival is the most prestigious film event in Egypt and one of the most important in the Middle East.

This annual event takes place over 10 days in the month of November. At each new edition, no less than 150 films are programmed, there are of course Egyptian films, but also from all over the world.

International Festival of Experimental Theater

This event takes place over several days and is held in different places in Cairo, both on a traditional stage and in an antique shop. The shows are suitable for tourists who do not speak Arabic.

Arab Music Festival 

 The Arabic Music Festival takes place every November at the Cairo Opera House. This musical event welcomes many Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Tunisian, Algerian and Libyan singers every year.

Singers perform on the opera stage as soloists, duos or groups. The Arab Music Festival…

December 25: Christian Christmas. Without being a public holiday, it is increasingly popular to celebrate it in Egypt, in the same way as Valentine's Day or Mother's Day, with flowers and gifts.


Cairo International Biennale

 This biennale, quite conservative and sponsored by the government, does not pay enough homage to the Egyptian contemporary art scene; but it is nevertheless worth the detour, especially as its future seems compromised. The event usually starts at the end of December.

What are the Christian (Coptic) religious holidays of Egypt?

Coptic Christmas in Egypt

January 7 is traditionally the day on which the Copts of Egypt (2nd religious community in the country with 10 % of the population) celebrate Christmas. The Orthodox religion indeed follows the Julian calendar and not the Gregorian calendar. Christmas is therefore celebrated 13 days later than Catholic Christmas.

Families go to church, visit relatives and relatives and cook meals of rice, garlic, meat and bread. Moreover, a festive atmosphere took hold of the Coptic districts of Alexandria and old Cairo. This day is a public holiday in Egypt, and we witness it during our travels in Egypt.

This day is also the Police Day, and nowadays the anniversary of the 2011 Revolution.

 Cham el Nessim in Egypt

The first Monday after Coptic Passover the whole country (Muslims and Copts) celebrate Sham en Nessim. In fact it is a festival of Pharaonic origin. This festival, which literally means “breathing the breeze”, is the spring festival, systematically a holiday.

It is the great national picnic where more than 50 million Egyptians occupy all the green spaces of the country (public gardens, lawns, fields, etc.). You can attend it during our trips to Egypt.

On this occasion, we eat fessikh. Although it is a raw fish preserved in salt (every year. Yet hundreds of people die of botulism or are victims of serious food poisoning).

On the other hand, Cham el Nessim is on the way to becoming a pagan festival. This Coptic ritual festival is held on the Monday following Coptic Passover (April 29, 2019, April 20, 2020, May 3, 2021). However, the celebration is a tradition inherited from the pharaohs. Egyptians celebrate it by picnicking everywhere, especially on the banks of the Nile. 

What are Muslim Religious Festivals in Egypt?


Obligatory at the age of puberty, fasting begins at dawn and ends at sunset. Towns and villages live in slow motion during the day while at nightfall shows, carnivals and ceremonies are organized.

Ramadan falls on the 9th month of the Hegira year and corresponds to the month during which the Koran was revealed to the prophet (during the so-called night of Destiny). The crescent of the new moon marks the start of the fast, which lasts 30 days.

Abstinence aims to purify oneself of all selfishness and promotes community sharing. Almsgiving, spirituality but also joy are the virtues sought during Ramadan. Dates subject to change, vary by country.

In Egypt, it's a time that is both calm during the day and very festive at night, known for its bright decorations and excellent pastries. On the other hand, it is very difficult to find alcohol during the holy month in Egypt, with the exception of certain large hotels.

Laylat al-Qadr (Quran Revelation Festival)

It is the Night of Destiny (literally, the Night of Majesty, Grandeur or Prestige), the holiest of the year. It celebrates the night when the angel Gabriel came down to reveal to Muhammad the word of Allah and the beginning of the Quran. The night of Laylat al Qadr is a night of prayer and devotion.
Laylat al-Qadr celebrations begin the day before at sunset, the evening of May 31, 2019.

Eid al-Fitr (Eid el-Seghir)

Eid al-Fitr is the breaking of the fast at the end of Ramadan. After 30 days of fasting. It lasts 3 days and there must be, if possible, more food than all that of the month put together!

On the 1st day of the month of Shawwâl, Eid el-Fitr marks a day of rejoicing which gives way to a great explosion of joy. We meet for prayer early in the morning at the mosque.

Many Muslims attend a common prayer, listen to a khutba (sermon) and do zakat al-fitr, a form of charity that consists of mainly giving food to the needy. We also share a meal with family, neighbors and friends. Gifts are offered to the family and legal alms to the poor.

It marks the end of the month of Ramadan. This is an opportunity for Egyptians to spend several days with their families, and the opening hours of shops do not resume a normal rhythm until the end of Eid.

Many Egyptians, and foreigners who can afford holidays, and trips to Egypt at this time.

Eid el-Kebir (Eid el-Adha)

During this festival of sacrifice (Muslim and national holiday extending over 4 public holidays), a sheep, or a goat, is slaughtered in each family. Blood literally runs through the streets and the air smells of roast meat. It will be held on August 11, 2019, July 30, 2020 and July 19, 2021. Vegetarians abstain!

During this sheep festival or sacrifice festival, a very important religious and social event, a sheep is sacrificed, sometimes another animal (a goat for example, especially in Asia). The animal is consumed during a large family meal.

This feast commemorates the sacrifice of Abraham: the latter, preparing to sacrifice his son to God on the latter's order, saw approaching him, at the last minute, a sheep "sent from heaven".
In memory, each family sacrifices its sheep after having cuddled and pampered it for several days.

A week before the festival, huge markets are organized. Once purchased, the animal is fattened until the day of the big feast. The sacrifice follows the great collective prayer.

The Moulids

In addition to Moulid al-Nabi, celebrated throughout the Arab world, smaller and local festivals are also celebrated, in memory of Muslim saints or other holy men.

These events are supposedly intended to obtain blessings from the saints who are celebrated and honored. But in practice, these are big social events.

Large Moulids can attract crowds in the millions, during which people dance, sing, sell all sorts of items and generally enjoy themselves. These events are among the greatest displays of popular culture during the year.

Cairo, Tanta and Luxor all host large Moulids which take place in the Al-Hussein, Sayeda Zeinab and Imam Al-Shafi'i Mosques in Cairo, several times during the year. But there are also smaller celebrations.

If you are lucky and a party takes place during your stay during one of our trips. Keep in mind that these parties are often noisy, crowded and lively, with ritual prayers and dancing taking place there.

Mouloud el Nabi (Mawlid Nabaoui Charif)

 This holiday commemorates the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam, and his baptism 7 days later. Very young, he meditated, then the Archangel Gabriel appeared to him in 610 to dictate verses to him which would be transcribed in the Koran. Upon his return from exile, he preached and returned to his hometown, Mecca, where he died.

It's a bit like the “Muslim Christmas”, which we celebrate with the family. The very festive atmosphere of this day is strongly felt.

On this occasion, a large parade in Cairo starts from the mosque of Sultan Hassan and ends in front of the el-Azhar mosque. Generally, children are given sweets.

It's a big national holiday with gifts for children. Midan al-Hussein, in the Islamic quarter of Cairo, hosts a large number of Sufi performances during the preceding week.

Cairo, Tanta and Luxor all host large Moulids which take place in the Al-Hussein, Sayeda Zeinab and Imam Al-Shafi'i Mosques in Cairo, several times during the year. But there are also smaller celebrations.

Moulid of Abu el-Haggag

During the 3rd week of the Muslim month of Chaabane (around April 20, 2019, April 8, 2020 and March 28, 2021) this Sufi festival is held in Luxor where an overview of rural religious traditions is offered. Some villages celebrate mawlid (religious festivals) during this same time of year.

The Sheikh of Luxor, Egypt is a street festival celebrated annually by the Mouled Abou el-Haggag, a few weeks before Ramadan. It is manifested by a procession from the Luxor temple to the Mouled Abou el-Haggag mosque.

Ras-el-Am or Muharram

It is the first day of the Hegira, which corresponds to the Muslim New Year. The Muslim era began on July 16, 622 (or September 20, 622, according to some), the year of the Hegira.
In 2020, we enter the year 1442 of the Hegira. The date of this New Year is based on the lunar calendar.


Achoura is the 10th day after the Muslim New Year's Day or Muharram, this word meaning "ten". Before becoming a Muslim holiday, Achoura is also a Jewish holiday, marking the exodus of the people of Israel after their deliverance by the prophet Moses. In fact, for Shiites, it is a day of mourning commemorating the martyrdom of Hussein, son of Ali and grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

We fast the day before Ashura and the same day. Achoura represents two days of non-holiday celebrations, given in honor of the underprivileged and children. They receive many gifts.  

Geographically, where is Egypt located more precisely?

Egypt is located in Africa, in the Northeast more specifically. Obviously, it is a country with a ''desert'' climate, but how rich in culture and history. It is absolutely necessary to discover all its natural beauties which dazzle us and literally overthrow us!

Egypt is above all the isthmus that connects Africa to Asia. Pinched between the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Which sinks into the land like a wedge. The territory of this country seems to have squirted to the sides. With its asymmetrical shoulder bag shape.

It covers on the one hand the northeast corner of the African continent and on the other an appendage of the Arabian Peninsula, the Sinai, which already belongs to the Asian continent. At this intercontinental passageway. A sea link between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea was added. 

Is it enough to say that Egypt, land and sea crossroads, occupies one of the eminently strategic areas of the globe.

What is the most used currency in Egypt, the € or the £E?

The most common currency in Egypt is the Egyptian pound: £E. Several ATMs are available in major cities (Cairo / etc.). For most sites and temples, it would be appropriate to bring change.

The currency in Egypt is the Egyptian pound (LE). Although it is called pound (in English, abbreviated EGP) or guineh (in Arabic). Then it divides into 100 piasters (piasters in English, 'irsh in Arabic).
However, since the devaluation of 2016, the course of the Egyptian pound has remained floating. So it can therefore fluctuate (to be checked before departure). 2020, 1 € is worth 18.20 LE.

For any exchange transaction during your travels in Egypt. Contact the official exchange offices and bank branches directly.

There are automatic ticket machines. Also, bring traveller's checks and cash with you during your travels in Egypt. Cash payment is recommended in small shops and markets.

Bank branches remain closed on Friday and Saturday. They are open on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In cities with high traffic, banks may close later in the evening.

Is it more advantageous to take a local sim card?

Yes, it is beneficial to get a local Sim card. That can be easily obtained in shops and / or in hotels. Because in addition this card allows you to benefit from an Egyptian number. Which is very convenient for getting around and such.

In addition, this card is very useful to have an Internet network for the entire duration of the trip. It can cost around €15 for 12 GB, which more than covers 15 days of travel.


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