King Akhenaten

Le mystère de la tombe d'Akhénaton finalement résolue

Mystery of Akhenaten's tomb finally solved.

To begin, let's say that it's been a long time (more than 100 years) that we strive to understand the mystery that hides in this tomb KV55. Or rather, who is "the real occupant". Indeed, one wonders today if it is indeed the tomb of Akhenaton, (the father of Toutkanhamon). Or, if it is more like a grave of another member of the royal family….

Le roi Akhénaton - La tombe contenait une grande quantité de matériel funéraire royal appartenant à la XVIIIe dynastie.
King Akhenaten

Moreover, it is in the valley of the kings where is this famous grave. Very controversial these days. Moreover, new work undertaken there in order to prove whether or not it is indeed the tomb of Akhenathon….As for the legitimacy of the occupant of this tomb. Well in recent years DNA analyzes have been carried out. And which tend to demonstrate that this tomb KV55 is indeed that of the pharaoh Akhenaten.

In addition, restaurateurs from cairo museum, got their hands on a wooden crate that contained several hundred sheets of gold. As well as a fragment of cranial bone and other organic and mineral elements. Gold leaf?…to establish the legitimacy of the real occupant of the tomb?….why not, after all!

Le roi Akhénaton - La tombe contenait une grande quantité de matériel funéraire royal appartenant à la XVIIIe dynastie.
King Akhenaten

An initial analysis of these objects enabled the Egyptian curators to relate these gold leaves to the admirable sarcophagus encrusted with fine stones found in the tomb.

The lot recently found would therefore be the complement of these elements. And it should make it possible to reconstruct a very large part of the decoration and the inscriptions of the exterior and, above all, of the interior of the coffin.

Discovered in 1907. The tomb contained a large amount of royal funerary material belonging to the XVIIIdynasty. Including a large gilded wooden coffin. Also canopic jars (in which were kept the embalmed viscera of the deceased).

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