
La plus belle ville sur le Nil, lieu des pharaons noirs et où tout a commencé ! cette ville a beaucoup à offrir. Ici, le Nil est à son apogée de beauté, serpentant entre les nombreux îlots verdoyants qui l’habitent et couronnées de felouques. Joyau de l’Égypte du sud, nubienne et fière de l’être !  Située près de la première cataracte. A ne pas rater : Le Temple d’Isis de Philae (La perle du Nil), le Haut Barrage, et une balade en felouque sur le Nil.

3 B - Croisière sur le Nil en felouque et le Caire - Photo principale

Croisière sur le Nil en felouque et le Caire

7 jours
Disponibilité : 24 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Assouan - Kom Ombo - Edfou - Louxor
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€1,640
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1 B - Page principale - Croisière sur le Nil et Abou Simbel

Croisière sur le Nil et Abou Simbel

8 jours
Disponibilité : 23 Novembre - 29 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Louxor - Assouan - Abou Simbel
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€1,940
Voir les détails
1 A - Page principale - Croisière sur le Nil Egypte

Croisière sur le Nil Egypte (Le Caire et Croisière sur le Nil)

7 jours
Disponibilité : 20 Novembre - 26 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Assouan - Kom Ombo - Edfou - Louxor
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€1,640
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Croisière Egypte sur le Nil et la Mer Rouge

Croisière sur le Nil et la Mer Rouge

9 jours
Disponibilité : 20 Novembre - 28 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Assouan - Louxor - La Mer Rouge
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€1,940
Voir les détails

Voyage de luxe Egypte

8 jours
Disponibilité : 23 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Louxor - Assouan
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€2,240
Voir les détails
Croisière sur le Nil et le Lac Nasser

Croisière sur le Nil et le lac Nasser

11 jours
Disponibilité : 16 Novembre - 26 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Le Nil - Lac Nasser
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€3,390
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Croisière sur le Nil en dahabeya

Croisière en dahabeya sur le Nil

10 jours
Disponibilité : 14 Novembre – 23 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Louxor - Edfou - Kom Ombo - Assouan
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€2,950
Voir les détails

Voyage Égypte et la Jordanie

12 jours
Disponibilité : 18 Novembre - 29 Novembre 2024
Le Caire – Assouan – Louxor – Le Sinaï – Wadi Rum - Petra
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€3,680
Voir les détails

Excursions le Caire et Louxor et Assouan

15 jours
Disponibilité : 15 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2024
Le Caire
Alexandrie - Al Fayoum - Dendérah - Louxor - Assouan
5.0 from 93 CommentairesNotes et avis5.0 from 93 Commentaires26-05-2024Amandine GirardinGood morning,We are returning from a trip to Egypt from 04/29 to 05/11, 2024.We were a couple and a child who celebrated their 3rd birthday on the Nile ?This was our son's first trip. We therefore wanted a program adapted to its rhythm, which the Terra-trip […]
À partir de€2,870
Voir les détails

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